
Firewood Stacks
Firewood Stacks

Seasoned Hardwood (primarily oak with some hickory and maple) available throughout the year.

Size Price
One Stack (20 pieces) —— $26.99
2 Stacks (40 pieces) —— $49.99
5 Stacks (100 pieces) —— $115.99
1/4 Cord —— $169.99
1/2 Cord —— $249.99
Full Cord —— $449.99

Available for pick-up or delivery. Delivery fee depends on your zip code with the minimum fee of $60.00. We dump the firewood in your driveway unless you would like us to stack it for you for an additional fee.

Minimum Stacking Fee of $125.00 for 1/4 cord or 1/2 cord of firewood.

Minimum Stacking Fee of $180.00 for a full cord of firewood.